
Camille is a Reiki Master Teacher in the Usui Shiki Ryoho tradition, trained Medium, Tarot Reader, certified Akashic Records practitioner, and Breathwork Practitioner.

Her work is deeply rooted in Ancestral practices as well as over a decade of studying the inner workings of the mind-body-soul system both scientifically and mystically.

She deeply believes that you are your own greatest healer, and she is honored to assist those in need on their inner and outer quests. It is her belief that she is simply a conduit for Spirit and Creator to work through. Though she has had the ability to communicate to Spirit since childhood, she gives all thanks to Creator for these Divine gifts. The core purpose of her work is to provide people tools for self-actualization, clarity, and healing.

She is eternally grateful to Creator and her Ancestors for all that they have given and continue to give, Asé!

Select Photography by Siri Kaur, Luz Mendoza, and Cecilia Nina






M 10a–5:30p
W 10a–8:30p
TH 10a–8:30p
F 10am-5:30pp
S 10:30a–5:30p





Mini Session • 45 Minutes • $120
Full Session • 1.5 Hours • $200

During her Reiki sessions, Camille uses her mediumship abilities as well as sound tools, plant essences, and ancestral teachings to provide a potent vessel for healing. Please note these sessions are done virtually via video call. In-Person option listed below. Many aren’t aware that Reiki can be sent long distance to anyone no matter where they are in the Universe. This is because Reiki is the channeling of Universal Life Force energy which is ever present and abundant no matter where we go. Almost all cultures and lineages have name for this ubiquitous energy. You might be familiar with the names Asé, Qi/Ch’i, Ki, Prana, Ruach, Orenda, etc.

The session starts with a brief check-in to go over any intentions or areas of focus, then the Reiki portion of the session will begin. During the long distance session, Camille asks that the client lie down comfortably to meditate and receive. The post-consultation will allow the opportunity for discussion and sharing what came through. Post session notes are usually filled with “spiritual homework” or actions steps to assist in further anchoring the energy into your body and environment. Sessions will be done via zoom until further notice to protect the health of the client and practitioner.

Reiki is one of the simplest and most effective ways to bring more harmony and balance into the many layers of our body-mind-soul systems. It is not required, but it would be helpful to come to this session with some intentions in mind



2.5 Hours • HOUSE CALL • $333

These sessions are done in person at your personal residence — LA County residents only. I will travel to you and bring all necessary items including a cushioned table for your comfort. Please make sure there is space enough to set up and walk around the massage table. We can be indoors or outdoors to your preference. Sessions are done at the client’s home to ensure maximum convenience, relaxation, comfortability.

In these sessions we will start by clearing and grounding the space to ensure that we have a safe and comfortable environment. In this way, these sessions also provide a small home clearing — as that is a necessary part of starting and ending the session, We will then focus on your intentions together so that they may be amplified and delivered to Spirit. You will be guided through intuitively selected breathwork and somatic meditation. After the mind and body are harmonized, we will begin the hands on energy work. This simply involves the gentle laying on of hands (not massage) on key meridian points and energy centers. We will end with a short mediumship channeling session to gather any guidance/messages from your Higher Self, Honorable Ancestors, Sprirt guides, etc.

Please note these sessions are only offered on Saturdays. Other days can be accommodated with minimum 48hr notification from appointment scheduling. If you have scheduling conflicts, please scroll down and send me an email via the “Contact” section.



2.5-3 Hours • IN PERSON house call ONLY • $375

Sacred Soundbaths are a special one-on-one immersion of sound and somatic body exercises designed to relax and help reset the nervous system. In this session the client is invited to first open their body with breathwork and intuitively guided somatic movement. After, you are invited to lie down and immerse yourself in wave after wave of sound vibration from a variety of my sacred instruments. I use a combination of crystal sound bowls, drums, rattles, flutes, chimes, and my own voice to clear your energy field, cleanse your space, and bring you back into vibrational harmony. This is a great option for those looking to go on a vision quest, deeply relax and surrender, and anchor in what we call your unique “core frequency.” We will end with a short mediumship channeling session where you can ask any questions and receive guidance from Spirit/Creator. These sessions are only held on Saturdays at your personal residence. If scheduling conflicts exist, please scroll down and send me an email via the “Contact” form towards the bottom of this page.



30 Minutes • $111
1 Hour • $177

Akasha is a Sanskrit word loosely translated as “the upper realm.” The Akashic realm contains the knowledge and wisdom (past, present, and future) of every soul. When we journey into your Akashic records, the normal boundaries of time and space melt away so that we may reveal your highest truths and receive keys to unlocking your greatest potential. Please note these sessions are done virtually. Sessions can be done in person for an additional $50 fee (use contact box if in-person is preferred).

This is the best offering to select for those looking to seek more specifics about their soul’s path, as well as connect more intimately with their personal guides and loved ones. The Guides of the Akashic Records are supremely compassionate yet truthful. It is best to come to these sessions with questions that focus on “how”, “what”, and “why”. For example (but certainly not limited to): What is this situation teaching me? How can I best be of service to my life’s purpose /my family/my loved ones, etc? Consider which areas of your life you’d like to received clarity or guidance. Since the realm of the Akashic Records can see into the past, present, and future, time functions there as a multi-dimensional element instead of a linear measurement. Therefore try to avoid “yes” or “no” questions, or demanding that you know “exactly when” something is going to happen. Even if timing is an element of your inquiry, consider asking questions to clarify the “what” or the “how” instead.

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30 Minutes • $111
1 Hour • $177

Tarot is an amazing divination system that speaks in universal archetypes, allegory, and ancient symbols — clarifying your path and allowing you to feel more empowered in your choices as you co-create with Source/Creator the reality you desire. When paired with mediumship, even more specific messages from Spirit Guides, Angels, Honorable Ancestors, etc. are able to come through to better assist you on your journey. Always remember that you are the master of your own destiny, and allow the cards to gently guide you with Divine Truth. Please note these sessions are done virtually via video call. Sessions can be done in-person for an additional $50 fee. Please email if in-person is desired.




Distance Attunement/Certification - $222

All potential students must book a “CONSULTATION For Reiki Students” call prior to booking this course. Reiki Level 1 Distance Attunement is for those ready to learn the first healing symbol within the Usui Shiki Ryoho method of Reiki. This Reiki Level 1 course is for self-healing only. You will not be qualified to practice on other people after this level. All students will receive two digital Reiki Level 1 manuals upon completion of the course, as well as supplemental educational documents. Please note that this service is only available in small online groups that are done a few times a year. For a one-on-one or private group attunements outside of scheduled classes, please send an email via the contact form below.





All potential students must book a “CONSULTATION For Reiki Students” call prior to booking this course. Reiki Level 2 is only for those who have completed Level 1 training with either myself or another Reiki Master Teacher, and have practiced the symbol with proficiency. This course will cover the next two symbols in the Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki system which focus on emotional healing/cleansing, as well as long distance healing. After completion of this course and a brief integration period, practitioners will be certified to practice on others. All students will receive digital Reiki Level 2 manuals, digital supplemental learning/documents, and a printed certificate. Please note this service is only available in small online groups that are done a few times a year. For one-on-one or private group attunements outside of scheduled group classes, please send an email via the contact form below. Payment plans can be arranged on an honor system for those in need, please email me if you require assistance.


Book a session



Healing sessions are meant to be a compliment, not a replacement for traditional medical or psychiatric treatments. Holistic and Alternative medicine is meant to work in tandem with whatever medical treatment your healthcare professionals prescribe. For serious medical conditions or emergencies please seek your physician. Please read
POLICIES & DISCLAIMERS before booking.




I just had a distance reiki treatment with Camille and I’m a beyond amazed with the information she gave me. She and I spoke maybe a few minutes before the session and the amount of extremely specific information she relayed to me on blocks related to my chakras was mind blowing. She also gave me very helpful tools to deal with issues that caused the blocks. She is a truly GIFTED healer. I feel MUCH clearer after working with her. I really cannot recommend her enough and I plan to continue to work with her in the future.

— Kelly P. 

Where do I begin!!! I cannot say enough good things about Camille and her skill and talent as a Reiki master, tarot reader, and earth-side spirit guide. I started getting Reiki healings from Camille mid-2016, and her insight and healing abilities were critical to my spiritual growth. During our Reiki sessions, I regularly experienced visions, astral projections, and deep, profound healing. Without Camille as a channel, I don’t know that my life would be where it currently is — her guidance and healing ability were so key to helping me along my path.

Camille is funny, talented, and incredibly powerful. Her depth of knowledge is real, authentic, and heavily studied. Her tarot readings are honest and direct, and I have always found them to be sharper and more accurate than most readers. She is the real deal and I would encourage anyone to seek her guidance and healing through any modality she offers.

— Caroline W. 

Being taught by Camille was absolutely incredible, comfortable, and insightful. From the very beginning, she was welcoming and helped answer my questions. I was nervous but her entire being radiates warmth, kindness, and strength and really helped soothe any anxiety I was feeling. The Reiki certification lessons themselves were packed with information, but she made them run smoothly, and also in a way that felt more like a conversation than a lecture. Camille really, really cares and it’s obvious. I feel very lucky to have learned Reiki from her. 

— Martha R. 

I feel lucky to be able to say that I know Camille and that she’s provided me Reiki on several occasions. She is truly a healer and has such an amazing energy about herself. She helped me tap into suppressed feelings and emotions that I didn’t know I had, and led me to be more aware of my thoughts. I highly recommend having a Reiki session with her. Her hands are like magic! 

— Lauri S.

I have been healed by Camille and Reiki twice. These choices have propelled my life toward full authenticity. The feeling of wholeness that has come from these sessions sticks with me and energizes me. The last time I saw her, I felt as if the disparate pieces of my body-forearm, arm, and shoulder — were rewoven, as if individual sections of my body were disjointed until healed back into a whole. It felt remarkable. I am reminded of how I felt as a child where I am motivated to visualize the life I need. What’s more I feel aligned onto a path of manifestation and realization. When seeing Camille, go in hopeful, and your own light will grow and you will never be the same again. I am forever grateful.

— Evan M.

Camille is a truly gifted intuitive that I am so grateful to know. I have received tarot, reiki, and plant medicine guidance from Camille, and every interaction is incredibly powerful. She is the REAL DEAL. 

— Reid C. 




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Healing sessions are meant to be a compliment, not a replacement for traditional medical or psychiatric treatments. Holistic and Alternative medicine is meant to work in tandem with whatever medical treatment your healthcare professionals prescribe. For serious medical conditions or emergencies please seek your physician.

All sessions are for people ages 18 and up.

Due to the nature of this work, the recording of sessions is not permitted without the explicit written consent of me, Camille.

Please be in a quiet and private setting for the duration of your session(s).

Due to the nature of this work, sessions cannot be transferred to a different recipient after purchase.

Please be on time for your session. If you are over 10min late, your session will be canceled with no refund.

**Canceling a session is permitted up to 48hrs in advance of the session date and time. Refunds will not be given for less than 48hr notice of cancellation. This also means that a cancelled session that you wish to reschedule given less than 48hrs notice will not be transferable. Meaning you will have to pay full price for the rescheduled session, and will not receive a refund for the cancelled session.

By booking a session with me you confirm that you have read these policies and disclaimers entirely, completely understand them, and release me, Camille of The Medicine Goddess of any and all liability/responsibility for any actions, inactions, or results.